Violence Solves Everything

Pastor Harold Ray Redfeairn  1952 – 2003



Adolf Hitler, 1943


“Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight
in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” - Adolf Hitler



A Brief History: The Legacy of Aryan Nation


Aryan Nation was founded by Pastor Richard G. Butler in 1974 on a twenty-acre compound in the forest near Hayden Lake, ID as the political wing of the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, founded by the Rev. Wesley Swift.


The organization was created to inspire believers in National Socialism, survivalists and all White folks who fanatically strive for a White Aryan Homeland within North America.  They consider the US government to be the Zionist Occupation Government [ZOG].


Because ZOG thwarted the Aryan Nation literature campaign, Robert J. Matthews formed “The Order” to conduct acts of economic sabotage in the early 1980’s.  Aryan Nation gained world attention when the Weaver family from Naples, Idaho refused to cooperate with Federal authorities who sought to destroy Aryan Nation.  This event is known as “The Siege at Ruby Ridge.’


The organization lost the Hayden Lake compound in July 1998 when two AN guards shot at Victoria Keenan and her son.  Bullets struck the car several times and the car crashed.  Butler gave the 20-acre compound to the Keenan’s as part of a legal settlement.  This act decentralized Aryan Nation.


New leader, August Kreis III relocated the World Headquarters to a ten-acre compound in rural Potter County, Pennsylvania, but was run out of town by the locals.  Now he promotes AN out of Sebring, Florida and is careful not to upset his neighbors.



Decentralized Jihad


Aryan Nation modified its worldview from indiscriminate “race hate” to specifically target ZOG.  They presume a right to a White Aryan homeland on the North American continent and openly planned to take Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming by force.  AN believes that White Aryans have the right of self-determination in a State patterned after the 3rd Reich’s “Blood and Soil” concept.  Theoretically, the concept expels non-native races and political views unnatural to a specified geography.  In their view, savages and nomads have no claim to land.  


Since ZOG is not likely to detach any CONUS property from its eminent domain, Aryan Nation seeks to oppose and disrupt that system.  They have a long-term belief that a more cultured means of existence is possible for all people, but not until ZOG is overthrown.


Worldwide Kristallnacht: The Future


Consistent, ruthless fanaticism must be the characteristics of those who wish to join Aryan Nation:  “We are not a petty debate club full of keyboard commandos nor interested in the kind of problem-oriented futility which characterizes many of the non-mainstream political groups in North America.”


Any White Aryan who believes that cosmic harmony can be reinstated once the hubristic sycophants [ZOG] are removed are encouraged to join AN’s struggle.  They believes a form of Jewish cultural hegemony and “Jew-controlled Manchurian candidates” have already penetrated their movement.  AN solution is to destroy every Jew worldwide.


There are no longer any application forms to fill out and there is nothing to join per se: If you agree with them then you are a part of them.  If there are no membership records on file, then ZOG has nothing to raid. 



The Greatest Fraud in All History [1]


AN holds fast that the Holocaust was a fabrication designed to justify reparation payments in the millions of dollars to Jews for something that never happened.  The cite an exhaustively choreographed set of diminishing statistics to bolster their claim:


Various sources have released statistics that reflect a reduction in Jewish deaths each time.  In 1948, a French documentary Night and Fog claimed that 9,000,000 Jews died at the hands of the Nazis.  Even Israel, according to AN, has quietly accepted much smaller numbers to be accurate. 


The Red Cross claimed that roughly 140,000 Jews were murdered at Auschwitz.  Then in 1989, The Soviets released the “Auschwitz death books” which contained 49 volumes of death certificates.  Each certificate contained the deceased person’s full name, profession, religion, date and place of birth, prior residence, parents’ names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp physician.


Of the 64,000 records on file, only 30,000 entered “Jew” in the ‘religion’ box.   The original figure on display at Auschwitz in 1948 was replaced with a new figure that reads: 1.5 million.  AN maintains that concentration camp totals were only 271,301 and NOT the six million widely publicized figure.



The coming North American Union [2]

by Jerome R. Corsi

Aryan Nation has taken up domestic causes that fit their agenda.  In March 2005, President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin met at Waco, Texas to pledge their commitment to NAFTA.  NAFTA economically dissolves the Mexican and Canadian borders to turn North America into one economic zone to rival the European Union.  AN’s principle concern is the continued assimilation of Mexicans into the US even though the southern border with Mexico is only temporary under NAFTA.  Bush’s agenda easily explains why Border Patrol agents Ramos and Copean were imprisoned for doing their jobs. 



Beliefs about Jews (Kikes)


Aryan Nation believes that all who support Jews, whether it’s a White Christian or someone else, should be exterminated with the Jews.  Pastors who teach that Jews are children of God should have their churches burned down.  Christianity is nothing more than a Jewish fable designed to keep the Aryan race ‘dumbed down.’  Aryan Nation believes that families should be preparing for the coming bedlam.



Advice for “Lone Wolves”

An example of a “lone wolf” is the sharpshooter who killed a Jew abortionist in New York.  Effective resistance does not necessarily have to include a fatality or even an illegality.  Use the following guide:


1. ACT ALONE – you do not need a “cell.”  No one can rat about what they don’t know about.

2. DO NOT ROB BANKS – get a flexible job that provides time to engage in revolutionary acts.

3. ACT SILENTLY – do not call the media to claim credit for your deeds: They will find you.

4. DO NOT DEFACE YOUR BODY WITH TATTOOS – it makes you an automatic suspect. 

5. UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE EXPENDABLE – if you hit them – they will look for you.

6. ONCE YOU COMMIT TO ACT – you essentially commit suicide.  There’s no turning back.

7. IF YOU WILL BREAK IN COURT – you might as well stay on your couch and do nothing at all.


AN would rather that no White man raise his hand in resistance than to contritely engage the courts.  If the White race is going to die – let it die with dignity!  [4]



Aryan Nation reaches out to al Qaeda


August Kreis III, leader of Aryan Nation praises al Qaeda as freedom fighters and hopes to instill jihadic feelings among domestic Aryans because they have the same enemies: Jews and the US government.  White AN refers to the enemy as ZOG, al Qaeda calls them the Jews and Crusaders. 


The idea of a Nazi-Islamic alliance dates back to World War II, when Adolf Hitler played host to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, that city's Muslim leader. Some Nazis, moreover, found refuge in places like Egypt and Syria after the war.


AN hopes to unify with radical Islamists from abroad against the American government.  At this point, there is yet to be found any hard evidence of a real collaboration.  When asked by CNN if he had a message for Osama bin Laden, Kreis said, “The cells are out here and they are already in place – they might not be cells of Islamic people, but they are here and they are ready to fight.”  AN now uses verses from the Koran to support Hitler agenda.  


“We shall not capitulate – no never.  We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us... a world in flames.”  -  Adolf Hitler








[2]  Copyright 2006 HUMAN EVENTS. All Rights Reserved.



[3]  By Henry Schuster, a senior producer in CNN’s Investigative Unit
CNN Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Posted: 2:42 PM EST (1942 GMT)


[4]  A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors by Rex Feral originally published by Paladin Press.


[5]  Much data is extrapolated directly from