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Vejhon by Ty Estus Narada
Cyonic Nemeton, P.O. Box 3121, Page, AZ  86040-3121

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Reactivation -- Chapter 1

1. "When you think about it," the Angel said, "your corporeal brain is hermetically sealed -- there is no light inside.  Your brain only registers wavelengths that your sensory perception reports." 

2.  Daniel had this conversation before, and still felt obligated to contemplate the matter, "We could live in any environment we chose, then," Daniel surmised.  The Angel nodded his head.

3.  "Which begs the question," Daniel added, "Why would the Creator of the Universe: The Maker of worlds without end, who knows the number of stars in the sky and calls each one by name... need a guardian?" 

4.  The Angel laughed out loud and then alluded that their conversation would be interrupted.  "Daniel?" B'jhon interrupted quietly. 

5.  B'jhon could have as easily invaded Daniel's dream as an avatar to elicit a response, but dreamfasting was
considered invasive without an invitation.  

6.  Daniel opened his eyes and saw the avatar standing dutifully over him.  He arose, politely acknowledged B'jhon and gazed out his wall-length window as if his mind was still wandering somewhere in the vastness of space. 

7. Sunova was not designed by corporeal hands and defied most architectural conventions.  The Angel was more entitled to occupy the real estate than Daniel and his compliment of operatives.   

8.  B'jhon followed Daniel's line of sight to the celestial orchestra outside.  There was no question how such splendor could captivate the imagination.   

9.  B'jhon knew Daniel's non-verbal gestures like a science.  "We have to send Onimex," Daniel answered.  "We're the only ones who know about him except for Ireana and Dayton."  A much larger saga had already unfolded... Daniel made his job look easy, but his realm of responsibility was quite extraordinary and required the entire Corlos apparatus to manage properly.

10. "The order is given then." B'jhon nodded reverently and turned to leave.  In all the known Universe, no corporeal being possessed more authority than Daniel, yet nobody in the Universe knew who Daniel was, except for Corlos operatives, and that was precisely how Daniel insisted it remain. 

11. There was only One higher than Daniel and it was rumored that Daniel knew The One personally. 

12.  Sunova drifted into a stellar cloud, attracting crystals that shattered like glitter on impact.  The impacts were as harmless as rain but more musical as the ebb and flow increased and decreased like waves, then faded away.  Daniel smiled thinly and accepted the music as a gift.  "There's no such thing as coinsidence," he reminded himself.     

13.  Once again the gentle swrils of color emerged as before while the stellar cloud shrank into a speck of dust.      

14. Somewhere 'out there' the Mind of God was at work.

15. He returned to his couch and closed his eyes, "Now, where was I..."   "Where were we?" the Angel corrected, "... we were talking about the notorious 'guardian of God," he reminded him.  "Ahhh yes," Daniel remembered, "the anti-being..." 


16. The council chamber was demurely lit with built-in other-worldly appointments. 

17. Those assembled represented the core of Corlos Intelligence and the top of the corporeal food chain.  What transpired at this table often affected the entire Universe; their eyes fixed upon the #2 personage among corporeal beings:  B'jhon.

18. "Daniel has ordered the reactivation of Onimex to investigate Kor's background for his trial," he said.

19.  This particular crowd was entirely too composed to respond in haste; a seemingly arrogant non-response that was also a conversational norm.  Where traditions go, the chamber and all of the caverns in Sunova had been hewn by an ancient 'light race' when the orb traversed more hospitable space.  When their energy-bodies became uncomfortable under the changed astral condition -- they left.  The Light Race and Angels are not the same. 

20. "Where is he?" Agent K asked from the opposite end of the table.  Were it not for the tilting of his head -- the sound source would have been untraceable.  The hyper-dense reinfused rock lent a curious quality to acoustics on Sunova.  Without assistive technology, sound would not reach the end of a hallway.    

21. "Earth," the vice-chair answered, "Somewhere in 2012, their time," she said.  The irrelevancy of time on Sunova made refrences to time sound like turning pages in a book:  Page 2012, in some volume on some rock in another Universe and paradigm.  It was clear that this bunch did not 'react' to detail -- they 'made' the details.       

22.  Potential energy equals kinetic energy squared.  Corlos ran on Kolob Standard Time. 

23. "Earth?" Agent Sham'a El repeated non challantly.      

24.  Nobody died -- Corlos had this affect on everyone. 
25. Nobody aged at Corlos -- the biological clock stopped with negligible means to measure age.  This state of perpetual inconsequence explained why Daniel rotated his staff as often as was operationally sensible.  Nobody wanted to stay in cold storage forever.  A periodic rotation through Corlos was expected, but nobody wanted to be permanent attached.  Frequent was better than permanent.  Suspending the aging process in a corporeal condition is not what mortals preceive it to be.  Daniel, on the other hand, had no choice, and was given extramortal abilities for his service.  His appointment was permanent until released.  It was also his prerogative to appoint an executive assistant and to use the assistant as his proxy as needed.       

26.  Secretary Wexli recapped their brief statements, including those of prior meetings, and turned toward B'jhon, who nodded in reply.

27.  For not looking very lively, this bunch had a razor sharp focus and accuracy to match.  Those two qualities were the threads that held Corlos together, not to suggest that 'accuracy' and 'flawless' are empirical synonyms. 

28. "Does anyone have an objection or see any reason why we should not proceed with the investigation?"  B'jhon asked, as a necessary protocol. 

29.  Nobody said a word, which was normal.  If someone wished to speak -- they were free to do so.

30.  He gave one final sweep of the room and locked in the consensus:  For bareing the weight of so much, they said so little.        

31. "Then Onimex is hereby reactivated to conduct the investigation.  Wexli, do it to it.  Meeting adjourned."  Some agents still blinked their eyes as if an invisible gavel had smacked the table. 


32. The first few lines blew by like dust on an unmarked grave. 'Corlos-speak' had been abandoned 49 years ago, yet the psionic signature felt like flies ambushing a slice of fresh watermelon.  For having aged 49 years, she sure didn't look it.  

33. She had fallen asleep on her couch at work with Dow's blessing.  As Earth's only biocybergenicist, she could write her own ticket and nap whenever she damn well pleased. 

34. Fourty-nine years is a long time.  "Corlos is attempting to contact you," Onimex interrupted.  "Are you in my dream again?" she asked.  "Evidently," he replied.  "Can't you just relay a message?" she asked.  The flies in her subconscience were getting really irritating.  Some aspect of ancient truth was invading her reality, unconscious or not. 

35. "Is this dream really so wonderful that you can't speak to Daniel?" he asked somewhat facetiously.  

36.  She woke up, and he knew that she would.   If he had been biological, she might have smacked him for being right. 

37. There was the round disc-shaped body of Onimex hoovering right beside her.  She studied the ceiling vent and contemplated thermal convection by Human standards.  'A 20,000 strand difference,' she reminded herself, between Vejhonian and Human DNA.  That's not very much.  Almost negligible.  "Enough to prevent cellular division," Onimex said.  She gave him a shell-game glare and sighed.  He had a license. 

38.  "I wonder how many times you've dreamfasted with me and never said anything?" she asked him.  "I'll never tell," he answered.

39.  "OK, put him through," she said.

40.  "Ireana?" Daniel said through Onimex's relay.     

41.  "It's been a long time..." she answered.   "Yes, it has," he acknowledged and continued.  From his perspective, it had only been a week since he spoke to her last, but it was polite to agree.

42.  "We need Onimex to conduct an investigation of Kor's childhood on Vejhon for evidence at his trial."  She nodded her head, even though Daniel couldn't see it. 

43. "Understood," she said.   Daniel was never one for excessive elocution -- she had survived her share of Corlos meetings.

44. "He'll return as soon as he's done," Daniel assured her.  She understood why Onimex had to wake her up -- a formal dispatch was necessary since it was a legal proceeding.  A tribunal must have been established, she presumed. 

45. As the guarantor of justice at the proceeding, Corlos could not send field operatives as a matter of jurisprudence.  Technically Corlos didn't exist anyway.

46. Ireana's self discipline had responded.  Now the rest of her was merging into the moment.  It had been a long time since she had an audience with Daniel.  "You're released for this assignment," she instructed Onimex.  Her intonation had 49 years worth of rust, but Onimex understood the secret sorceress perfectly.  "Quit calling me that," she scolded him psionically... something that Dayton had started.  

47. "I'll be back before you wake up," Onimex said.  "I'm already awake," she assured him.  "Are you sure?" he asked.  She gave him that look. 

48.  It was true -- Onimex could experience 1,000 years and return before he left.  The law of reversion was nature's failsafe designed to inhibit prolonged trans-time adventures for biologicals.  Reversion had no effect on machines, only on biologicals.  Rust affected machines.  "Dayton doing OK?" Daniel asked sternly.  "He's doing very well, Sir," she answered.    "Very good," Daniel said.  Ireana could imagine Daniel nodding with his bunched up frown.  "It was good talking to you," he said as a farewell gesture.  "Yes, Sir," she replied, "the same here."  The connection severed.  She knew they could not talk long.
49.  Onimex faded out of sight, so that he could slip outside of Earth's resonance and sail past Alpha Centuri on ribbons of eternity.  She was no longer picking him up, so he was somewhere beyond the moon.

50. Ireana's lab had slatted windows that bordered a traditional Hawaiian garden.  In the center was an awkward myrtle tree draped with vines, mauna lai and plumaria flowers.  "The ferns look so lovely," she conceded.  Her eyes reached for a tiny cloud in the blue sky.  The problem was closure -- this had been a long and bloody war that needed to end.  She needed a psionic transfusion of sorts; something to filter the injustice and reverse her disfigurement, "Not going to happen," she answered herself.  

51. If shellans only knew what really happens in this Universe.  "Have a safe flight," she said to the tiny cloud against an azure sky.  "Silly droid."  Resilient to the end. 


52. Onimex was the most low maintenance droid ever assembled and he knew it.  He could run his own diagnostics and repair his ailments long before they had a chance to mestastasize.  If necessary, he could revert to the moment before a critical fault transpired, and prevent the fault from happening.  He had enhanced his self-preservation protocols above and beyond his initial programming. 

53.  He had virtually no moving parts; could transmute ambient matter to synthesize tools as needed, and expended negligible resources to maintain total in-flight integrity.  He was perpetually powered by static energy amplifiers that never needed assisted maintenance. 

54.  He was the savant among savants.    

55.  His calculations of intra-time velocities and stellar trajectories required layered quantum slip dynamics that changed from point to point... and the points fluctuated.  Xanax told Dayton once, "Imagine trying to quantify a specific molecule within a specific gallon of water in an ocean on some other planet."        

56.  He had to add several chaos streams to cancel random deviations.  

57.  The only quantity that Onimex feared was absolute zero, and he had 1,000+ ways to avoid such.   

58.  He spun a transdimensional reverse-wave to have him arrive at Vejhon, index 19,363 Dans around Kolob, the nearest major star. 

59.  "Thought is faster than time, and thought can be banked," he knew.  

60.  Time is a thematic wavelength that makes matter visible; a canvas upon which motion occurs.  "Consciousness requires time."  Onimex habitually transposed objects into an Elliptical view.      

61.  The Ellipsis represents a 10-part construct in which the Universe unfolds.  The Ellipsis unifies time and purpose specifically among sentient machines.  

62.  Because perfectly balanced forces have a net movement of zero, time becomes the creative power in which motion occurs.  The consequence for violating stasis is action.    

63.  "No two worlds weigh the same, yet the inhabitants project their weights and measures into the entire Universe," Onimex was streaking past Cacci Dai.      

64.  "Some philosophies believe that life was created by thought; that God's Name is, 'I AM;' ... that at the intersection of Tetragammaton and The Ellipsis is:  HE."   He had gleaned that from a Rabbi somewhere, he just didn't remember which one.  

65.  "Earth has too many teachers, and too few students," Onimex thought.  He was approaching Vejhon and had to start slowing down.  There was only one person who knew him better than Ireana, and that person was already here, but in a different time. 


66. He paused in Vejhon's upper orbit to authenticate his arrival.  He was at the right place, but needed to confirm 'when.'   

67. The first 1,000 checks of 10,000 options confirmed a 100% match.  The remaining 9,000 options were discarded.      

69. Moderate population. Lower mid-orbital strata contains an aqueous layer that surrounds the entire planet.  

70. An additional ocean's worth of moisture saturates the air:  Vaporized molecules return to the shell while heavier droplets form expected precipitation in the lower stratas.    

71. The watershell contains an additional ocean's worth of water, measuring one meter thick at 35 miles above the surface; a perfect centrifugal stasis that results in anamorphic memory:  Any type of penetration is automatically resealed. 

72. A total shell collapse would raise the planet's sea level's 428 feet and reduce the landmass to one-third of the planet's surface.  The weight of the added water would grossly adjust Vejhon's teutonic distribution.       

73. Electro-magnetic propulsion and levitation systems matched the target time.  Vejhon had skipped the aeronautical era as many non-commercial civilizations do, although the universities still taught aeronautics as an academic curiousity.    

74.  "Everything lines up," he logged, "I'm going in..."  For it's brevity, he had also completed 100,000 calculations and incidental observations as well.    


75. He slipped beneath the watershell and a stunning panorama of emerald forests, shimmering blue lakes, oceans and majestic mountains appeared below.  

76. The sparkling shades of green accented by crystal streams and tastefully dispersed population centers had a celestial affect on the soul.  This was everything that a mystical paradise should look like.  The air was crisp with color and light that made Vejhon look alive and magical.

77. There was one well lit metropolis that served as the center of commerce and seat of Government:  Balipor.  The city had already fallen into night.

78. A large portion of the population chose to reside away from the major population centers.  With such beautiful surroundings, many prefered rural living over city life.
79. The investigation plan cued. 

80. Onimex descended toward a thickly vegetated ravine wedged inbetween two mountains.  An eclectic sample of Vejhonian topography was nestled in this ravine; dense rain forest along the upper banks and sand dunes beneath a cliff outcroping where a stream drained into a glacially carved lake.  "Glacial?" Onimex noted, "Flight Log:  Vejhon did not always have a watershell."    

81.  He re-synched with Theta Phi to slip out of Vejhon's natural timewave to make himself invisible.  It was not a cumbersome process -- he merely needed to resonate with anything what was not in harmony with Kolob.   His intention was to observe only, invisible to all except God.  

82. He slowed his descent, increased his static envelope and sank beneath the tree tops.  The trek from the treetops to the ground was a botanical education.

83. The true meaning of rain forest materialized as the sunlight barely streaked through a misty green haze; otherworldly and humid. The change was intense.

84. As Onimex slipped into the grass, a gentle mist rose from beneath the fauna and outlined his hull.  The whole place was alive, more wet than humid. 

85. He switched his A/V recorders on and captured the sound of insects, mating calls and numerous tree dwelling species.  

86. Just in case, he kept his internal pressure sealed for deep space flight.  He was not ordinarily so cautious, but as Dayton was fond of saying, "Sie konnen zu nie achtgeben!"  "You can never be too careful."

87. His event notification cued; the moment was now.  Dynamics alligned and variables crossed. 

88. He hovered quietly and inconspicuously above a small stream; careful not to nudge the tall blades of grass or disturb anything. 

89. Recorders on. 

90. "The mere act of observation changes things," he said to himself.  "I'm a machine.  But sentient," he added, "and 'here' watching."  Onimex talked to himself a lot, a habit he picked up from Ireana and Dayton.    

91. He knew the dossier on both subjects whose lives would become more monumental than the mountains: "From one womb: Two apart."  He knew El Sha's story too; select tidbits that she willingly imparted. 

92. "The future has not been written," he told himself.  Faith is a bridge to exosensory information.  "Guards!  Am I getting a precognitive hunch or what?" he asked.  A biological mind can influence photons when focused, which is why Corlos sent a sentient machine to minimize timeline contamination.        

93. It was imperative that nothing be altered, not even photons.  Advanced cultures 'look but don't touch' without quantifying the interaction of thought:  Things still go wrong.  When an entity attempts to unnaturally manipulate time -- Corlos gets involved.   


94. Onimex expanded his recorders to omniband:  If a wave existed, seen or unseen, real or imagined, his recorders would pick it up.   

95. Across the stream, two 15-year-old boys foraged through the underbrush in virtual stealth.  Unless an observer knew exactly where to look, the boys could have crossed back and forth several times unnoticed. 

96. The profound significance of this moment sent shivers down his nonexistant spine.  "You've got more backbone than most," Ireana told him once. 

97. He confirmed his dimensional shift by bouncing a trace wave off the water surface.  It did not disturb the water, but reported existential information.  He was not in Vejhon's dimension.  "I'm invisible."  Someone in the Theta Si system could see him, but not without a really big telecsope.   

98. Kor froze and stuck out his arm to halt Bri.  Onimex froze too.  These kinds of coincidences are always annoying.  "It's a biological impossibility that he can see me," he reassured himself.  The trace wave did not affect the trickling water any more than several trillion neutrinos did every second.  

99. Bri was accustomed to Kor's predator instinct and halted.

100. "What?" Bri whispered with caution.

101. Kor studied the space in which Onimex hovered.  Onimex felt exposed.  It was Kor's lack of instant recognition that gave Onimex a sigh of relief.  "He doesn't see me," he repeated.  The thought of being captured by Kor, based on what Onimex knew about Kor's future, was not comforting.      

102. Kor was certain that something abnormal was there -- something that didn't belong; something unnatural.  Bri only sensed what Kor was sensing, but made no attempt to probe deeper.  Kor was the esteemed know-it-all when it came to hunting so Bri dared not to infringe -- he was simply along for the ride.

103. Kor did not like 'unknowns' -- they were vexations to his soul.  "Unknowns don't exist," he said with contempt.  Bri kept his sigh to himself because he knew that his brother was getting agitated, and when Kor was agitated, Bri became the target.  "There's always that possibility..." Bri entertained, and then stopped. 

104. Using the future as a guide, Onimex began to reverse engineer the sibling rivalry immediately.  A quantum mind can deduce things quickly.     

105. Bri's future self had provided the war tribunal with a list of dates that the tribunal forwarded to Conscious, who submitted the list to Corlos, who dispatched Onimex.     

106. There was a dynamic in the equasion that perplexed Onimex paradoxically:  Bri had never met Onimex at any point in time.  Did Bri pick this day because it was symbolic to him?  And if so... "Does Kor sense me now?"  It should be a mathematical impossibility -- in the hyper-quantum view, "The past is irretrievably ever-present," similar to the Judgement Bar of God.  "Stop," he ordered himself.  Over-quantification had been the death of many machines.       

107. "There is something there Bri," Kor whispered, "It doesn't belong here."  Onimex stopped pontificating and focused on this new reality.  There was no way that Kor could actually be seeing him.  It was simply, and flatly, impossible.  "Even though I am not in their native dimension -- Kor still 'senses' something."  This was mind-boggling to Onimex, enough to make his other co-located selves pay attention, if only it worked that way.  "What type of exosensory information is he picking me up on?" he asked, "Not my relay -- it's turned off!  Everything is turned off," he knew for certain.  "There IS no information," he assured himself, "NOT coming from me.  Is it my hovering?"  Not likely.         

108. Bri's 15-year-old mind playfully interpreted Kor's line to be self descriptive.  Nobody's thoughts are private in a psionic world.   

109. By Kor's standard, Bri was never serious about anything, so Bri was perpetually sarcastic.  That wasn't necessarily true, but whose to say that the objects in ones private Universe are not really there?  Bri was a good fighter, so Kor liked having him around.  Bri was a hopeless romantic who admired Kor's inflexible focus, but otherwise, they were polar opposites on virtually everything.  The only thing they had in common was El Sha, their mother, and that's where any similarity stopped.  A psychiatrist might have suggested that Kor liked Bri because Bri was a walking encyclopedia of everything that Kor wasn't.    

110.  "I wonder if this is one of Mantra's tests?" Kor asked himself.  Mantra was his secret mentor who trained him in personal guardianship.  Bri had never known Kor to be genuinely uncertain about anything. "Who's Mantra?" Bri asked.  Kor stood up and stared squarely into Bri's face with menacing eyes.  "That's a damn scary look, Kor," Bri whispered soberly; curious, and not afraid.  Kor admired Bri's lack of fear:  Guarding Mantra's name had been his #1 secret... not anymore.  

111. Kor released Bri from his stare and crept forward with the stealth of a panther; his eyes steadfast and deadly.  If Kor had had hair on his back, it would have came to razor sharp attention.  Onimex began to feel a certain dread.  He didn't understand how "logical" comprised seven-tenths of the word "biological."  "I'm kidding myself," he remanded his focus.  "Sie sicher wie hölle sind nicht logisch," Dayton said once, "When are they ever logical?"  "Muss ich zustimmen" "I have to agree," he was speaking to his imaginary proxy.  "Maybe Kor isn't really biological?  Cancel that." 

112. Bri felt the burning focus of Kor's eyes and pitied whatever had fallen in its path.  Change was imminent.  His heart was as strong as a mountain, but it lay elsewhere.  The rain forest was Kor's element; Bri's loved this rain forest too, but not in the same way.  Bri wanted to shield whatever it was from the full brunt of Kor's attack. 
113. The most sophisticated machine in the Universe did not have a chance to react.

114. In one swift blur of motion, Kor struck the anomaly five times before Bri even realized that something had happened. 

115. This was Kor's way, appearing to maneuver faster than time, so it seemed.  He indulged Bri's light-hearted admiration, and read his pity for the unfortunate object -- whatever it is... if there's anything there at all.  "I heard five rapid-fire tinks and then a splash?"  They were in agreement on that point. 

116. "If it thought it was camouflaged -- it can't be very smart," Bri thought.  Onimex was momentarily unconscious; his harmonic still synched with Theta Si.

117. There was a cylindrical indentation in the water but no object to be seen.  Heavy but buoyant, anchored on a submerged rock.  Indeed, it was a curiosity... nothing there.  "A military device?" Bri wondered.  It was void of any interior definition. 

118.  Kor tapped on the anamoly with one of his 'heavy' arrows and heard a stone-on-stone clacking sound.  Nothing.  When he tried to nudge it, an invisible field prevented direct contact.  He tapped it with his arrow again, then let go of the arrow and the arrow stood straight up with the tip resting on the invisible object, as if levitating in mid air. 

119.  Bri set a smooth stone on it and the stone hovered, then drifted off the object and splashed into the stream.  "What's that made of?" Bri asked and grabbed Kor's arrow.  His muscles had to flex unnaturally as if lifting a thick iron pry bar from its end.  

120.  "WHAT the hell IS this?" he demanded.  The arrowhead weighed at least 100 times more than it should have.  "How do you cram that much mass into this tiny little area," he wondered.  The arrowhead was almost upstaging the invisible object as if 'out of sight' was 'out of mind.'        

121.  Kor felt that it was none of Bri's business, "Making Mount Orbi out of this," he warned him psionically. 

122.  Bri smirked at Kor's typical evasiveness, but it was also a dead give-away.  

123.  "Where did you GET this?" Bri demanded.  Kor was annoyed.  They had seen this scenario a thousand times and the outcome was never good.

124.  "I MADE it!"  Kor answered, "What the FRACK is it to YOU?  Why don't you keep your damn hands off other shellans stuff!"  

125.  It's ingrained to secure sure footing when angry, so Kor stepped ashore, "Why don't you just go home and clean the damn house!" he jabbed.     

126.  He knew that line would provoke Bri because it always did, so Bri stepped out of the stream prepared to defend his honor.  On Vejhon, kids excel in aggressive occupations because they enjoy the constant hyperactivity.           

127.  Bri glared at Kor -- it was the redundancy that irritated him more than what he said.  The adrenaline was building.  

128.  "If I want to know what this is made of -- what the frack are YOU going to do about it?  Did 'asking' really piss you off THAT much?"  Kor sneered while Bri flexed his muscles in a comical Tai Chi posture.  Kor snatched his arrow back and mocked him, "...did 'asking' really piss you off THAT much... you're so full of shit!"  Kor alluded to Bri's defensive posture and rolled his eyes to add insult to injury, "That shit ain't gonna help you either." 

129. "You're pissed because I'm faster than you," Kor accused him.  He slid the arrow back in it's quiver with 3 other arrows from the stream; the 5th arrow's whereabouts was unknown -- he would look for it later.  Kor stood with his hands on his hips in full command, as if the entire scene had been staged for his amusement.  The king in his own play.   The antic was comical to Bri, so he calmed a little.

130.  "Does everything have to be so fracking focused?" Bri spread his hands bewildered, "You're pissed because I wanna know what the fracking thing is?" 

131.  Whatever it was, they couldn't see anyway, so 'out of sight' truly became 'out of mind.'  

132.  Kor gripped his manhood when he was angry and Bri never understood why.  "Lose something?" Bri mocked, "Balls fall off?"  Kor clenched his fist.  "Yeah, they turn you on, don't they?" Kor accused him, "at least MINE are REAL!"  This was a continuation of past heated arguements, which lead to obscenity, then to shoving, and then the fight was on. 

133.  Onimex checked his recorders.  They captured everything.  He checked his flight status, "What the hell did he hit me with?"  He regained his levitation and slipped out of the water while the boys fought.  "Flight Log:" he noted, "Shift less predictably.  That should have never happened;" Onimex was incensed that he had fallen prey to an archaic attack.   "How does an advanced spacecraft travel a hundred billion light years only to crash here?" a Human said on Earth TV.  "How the hell would I know?" he answered, embarrassed.   

134. "How was Kor able to 'sense' me?  ... or do I just think he sensed me?  Is this the cybernetic insanity that Dayton warned me about?"      

135.  He couldn't go back and fix it, as Ireana clarified once:

136. "No, you can't just keep going back and back, thinking that you're going to fix it..."  Then she added, "Sometimes you've got to leave well enough alone." 

137.  "I can't believe I have to go over my collateral checklist," he huffed in disgust.  It was sheer embarrassment, borderline shame.  "They never saw me -- it will just be a dream."  Ireana 'might' agree.   "OK, I rationalized, schießen Sie mich so!"  "So shoot me!" he remembered Dayton saying to Ireana on more than one occasion.  

138.  Onimex pushed up quietly -- he didn't want to blaze through the foilage and leave a burning tunnel through the treetops to confirm that he had been there, although the temptation was strong.  Once he cleared the trees, he rose into low orbit.  "What was that arrow that knocked me senseless five times in less than one second?"  One question led to a million more.  "How?"  "Flight Log," he noted, "Kor's motion through time is a biological impossibility." 

139.  "Here we go again," he sighed, "I'm not supposed to ask if Kor is shellan, yet NOBODY can explain how he does what he does."  He analyzed his recordings frame by frame a thousand different ways.      

140. "Uber-denken Sie nicht Sachen." "Don't over-think things;" Dayton always said to Ireana.  Onimex had never felt this perplexed, "Kor doesn't like unknown quantities?" a historical fact regarding Kor, "and neither do I!" 

141.  "He's not really shellan?"  "Anschlag!" he could hear Dayton order him in German, "before you fry something."  "Hell YES I'm angry!" Onimex shot back in this imaginary scene.     

142. 'Shell' is Vejhonian for 'world' because the watershell on Vejhon has always existed.  The people are shellans.  There was no recorded history of Vejhon without the shell, although topographic, geologic and glacial evidence suggests otherwise; a no-shell-condition may have existed before the first Dan, but it was unwise to argue the matter locally.  With regard to 'matter:' 

143.  Onimex ran the density of Kor's arrowhead through his atomizer, "I hope he doesn't miss this ..."  He retrieved Kor's missing arrow and cited Cacci Dai code as justification:  An advanced species is obligated to recover stolen technology from an inferior one.  "Well, it is technology," he rationalized.  "Then why didn't I take all of them?"  "Alright, Corlos SOP then," he adjusted.  Industrial espionage was a normal part of social evolution; every species does it.      

144.  The result was an infusion of collapsed matter found only on former stars like Corlos.

145.  "You've got to be fracking kidding me?" Onimex quoted Kiles.  "How did he GET this!  Much less shape it?"  He had to debate whether or not to scrub the mission and report this anomaly to Corlos.  "No," he answered confidently, "this detail would not make a time-altering difference at this point."   The past is irretrievably ever present, "What's done, is done," the Humans say.

146.  The video showed Kor carrying his quiver of arrows as if they were nothing, when a spoonful of collapsed matter should weigh at least 500 pounds on a shell like this one. 

147.  The stolen arrowhead was razor thin and flawlessly machined; a near-transparent slice was all that an honest archer needed.  It would require precision measurement equipment found only within machine realms to determine exactly which star the collapsed matter came from, and a detour to Cacci Dai was not authorized.  "Biologicals hate mundane details like this," he reasoned, "Proceed to the next event."
